osgBullet Model Simplification

osgBullet Model Simplification

osgBullet Model SimplificationClient: Ames Laboratory

Description :
Added new capabilities to the osgBullet physics toolkit to perform aggressive shape-retaining simplifications on novel models to produce efficient shapes that can be used for high-performance collision/physics calculations without compromising the overall shape and extent of the objects.

A “short edge” technique was devised from scratch by AlphaPixel to work effectively and quickly on any already-coherent model that reduces and removes unimportant detail in a simple and progressive fashion. Decimations of CAD models removed 97-98% of their vertices and polygons without impacting their convex hull. Less dramatic reduction factors preserve more detail and are suitable for optimizing models for lower LOD representations at non-proximal distances.


osgBullet Model Simplification
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